We are aware of the misinformation about cannabis that was unfortunately provided to the community by our officers. Officers wrongly told teens that pot causes 'enhanced mammary growth in men'.
We are aware of the misinformation about cannabis that was unfortunately provided to the community by our officers. Officers wrongly told teens that pot causes 'enhanced mammary growth in men'.
Officers wrongly told teens that pot causes 'enhanced mammary growth in men'
The Canadian Press
Published Tuesday, February 20, 2018 5:10PM EST
AURORA, Ont. -- Police north of Toronto are trying to clear the air after officers reportedly told a group of teens that marijuana use can lead to "enhanced mammary growth in men."
York Regional Police Service spokeswoman Const. Laura Nicolle says the erroneous information was included in a presentation by officers for high school students last week.
Nicolle says the police force was contacted on social media by several people who were at the session, questioning the link between cannabis and growth in that area in men.
In a tweet Friday afternoon, police say marijuana does not cause "enhanced mammary growth in men," adding that the force is "working to address" the misinformation by the officers.
Nicolle says police are looking into exactly what the officers told the students and where they got that information.
York Regional Police
✔ @YRP
We’re no health experts, but we’re pretty sure getting high does not cause enhanced mammary growth in men. We are aware of the misinformation about cannabis that was unfortunately provided to the community by our officers. We’re working to address it.
11:49 - 20 févr. 2018
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