Californie Prop -19 et - FBI director gets schooled on marijuana legalization
Zappiste: c'est comme ça que j'imagines ça: 25 pied carré de culture en extérieur mais aussi un espace intérieur pour les pays défavorisés coté température et à durée de saison de culture courte. Comme pour l'alcool pour le reste: pas de restriction sur le taux de THC, ni sur la quantité à avoir dans son cellier/humidor sa voiture (coffre arrière) ou sur soi.
Regardez la vidéo.
C'est le DIRECTUM du FBI !
Remarquez la position de son corps et mouvements de tête, des mains et le regard fuyant.
Même sa gueule sent les boules à Mythes !
Proposition 19: Control & Tax Cannabis California 2010
California Proposition 19 will be on the November 2010 ballot.
What Prop 19 does:
Legalizes marijuana possession of up to one ounce by adults over 21
Lets each county or municipality decide whether to allow cannabis sales and production and if so how much to tax these activities
Generates an estimated $1.4 billion in tax revenue
Saves taxpayers the costs of enforcing the current laws against cannabis and cannabis paraphernalia
Allows cannabis cultivation for personal use on private land of up to 25 square feet with certain restrictions
What Prop 19 does not do:
Does not legalize marijuana for those under 21
Does not allow driving under the influence of marijuana
Does not prohibit employers from drug testing
Does not impose new taxes or quantity restrictions on medical marijuana patients
Liens par le site
Further information on Prop 19:
Full text downloadable pdf version of Proposition 19
Legislative analysis of Proposition 19
Fiscal benefits of Proposition 19
Public safety analysis of Proposition 19
Ballotpedia page of Proposition 19
Wikipedia page on Proposition 19
Join the campaign for Proposition 19
- FBI director gets schooled on marijuana legalization
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- Fox News Freedom Watch on Columbia, MO Dog-Killing Pot Raid
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- Judge Jim Gray, Part 2: Five Reasons to Legalize Marijuana
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