1. Propose an official non-intervention policy for Quebec – Adopt an official police and judicial non-intervention policy for cases involving simple possession (30 grams or less), cultivation (for personal use) and trafficking (5 grams or less) of marijuana or hashish. Create a permanent parliamentary commission to oversee public interests in matters concerning cannabis. This commission would handle all aspects of cannabis (recreational, medical, industrial…) Use all legal means available to promote this message and develop pressure tactics to incite public and private organisations in taking an official stance.
Hugo St-Onge is convinced he has the winning conditions for his looming "reeferendum." His Bloc Pot party, set to run 50 to 65 candidates in the March 26 election, is organizing the online plebiscite on the legalization of marijuana in Quebec.
Despite adversity, Quebec's Bloc Pot party challenges the system in Provincial election
Canada's first pro-pot political party, Quebec's Bloc Pot, celebrated their fifth anniversary battling biased press, rigged all-candidates meetings, crooked cops, and undemocratic voting requirements during Quebec's recent provincial election, held April 14, 2003.
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